Teachers and Students Embrace AP Seminar as English 10

In recent years, AP® Seminar has experienced unprecedented growth thanks in large part to schools offering it in place of their English 10 course. This innovative approach has not only boosted participation but also transformed classroom dynamics, emphasizing project-based learning and student-centered pedagogy. Participation expanded by over 30% this year, indicating a growing appetite for the course and resulting in a more diverse group of students taking AP Seminar compared to other courses. 

What’s English 10: AP Seminar? 

AP Seminar is a foundational skills-based course where students engage in cross-curricular conversations through a variety of texts. Students choose a topic to explore, analyze arguments, compare different perspectives, synthesize information from multiple sources, and work in a group to communicate their ideas. Students who take English 10: AP Seminar can fulfill a core course graduation requirement. Here’s why this pedagogical approach is proving to be a game changer for both students and educators. 

Empowering Students with Choice 

One of the most beloved aspects of AP Seminar for students is the freedom to choose their own research topics, and design and give presentations both individually and as part of a team. This flexibility not only fosters genuine interest but also encourages deeper engagement with the material. Students are relishing the opportunity to explore issues that resonate with them, thereby nurturing their collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills beginning in grade 10. 

  • “Take the course. It’s not a normal English class. It’s more like being yourself.”—Esmarlin N., English 10: AP Seminar student, Alexis I. du Pont High School, DE   
  • “Instead of reading what a person wrote, in AP Seminar we actually had to sit down and think about it on a deeper level. It pays off, especially when you look at some of the text that you didn’t understand before.”—Chanae W., English 10: AP Seminar student, Western High School, MD 
  • “My favorite part of AP Seminar was sitting with everyone and working with people. It made me feel like I was able to do what I really wanted to. I could look into how music affects your brain, or how schools affect your success as a future person. Because of AP Seminar, I know what I'm talking about now, so it makes me feel like, ‘Oh, I can do this if I really want to.’”—Nathan V., English 10: AP Seminar student, East Aurora High School, IL 

Teacher Flexibility and Enthusiasm 

Educators are equally enthusiastic about the alignment to their state academic standards in English Language Arts. This adaptability empowers teachers to innovate within their classrooms, fostering an environment where students are encouraged to take ownership of their learning.

Hear what teachers are saying about AP Seminar as an English 10 course: 

  • “Adding AP Seminar has allowed numerous students who did not feel up to the challenge of an AP course to flex their intellectual curiosity in a course that feels more customizable to them and their teachers. AP Seminar is the course where many first-time AP students feel comfortable and more likely to thrive.”—Dennis Jutras, coordinator of Gifted and Advanced Learning, Baltimore City Public Schools, MD     
  • “AP Seminar gives kids a chance to meaningfully engage in skill development on topics that matter to them. Learning becomes less about ‘doing school’ or ‘taking a test’ and more about engaging in actually understanding, evaluating, and responding to perspectives about meaningful things.”—Spencer Wolf, AP Seminar teacher, Granada Hills Charter School, CA 

AP Seminar Results in Positive Academic Outcomes 

Approximately 100,000 students enrolled in English 10: AP Seminar last year, and the results speak volumes: 86% of students achieved a score of 3 or better, in line with the previous year. The ability to earn college credit through AP Seminar not only validates students’ hard work but also prepares them for future academic challenges.

Resources to Support Your Implementation Journey 

For those schools and districts considering adopting AP Seminar as part of their English 10 curriculum, a wealth of resources and support is available. From instructional guides to expert consultations, AP Program provides comprehensive tools to facilitate a smooth implementation process. Resources are available here.

Looking Ahead 

English 10: AP Seminar is reshaping educational paradigms by aligning academic rigor with student-centered learning. The integration of this course into the English 10 curriculum not only enriches students’ educational experiences but also correlates with success on state assessments and standardized tests like the PSAT-related assessments. 

Adopting AP Seminar within the English 10 framework is not just an educational choice; it’s a commitment to nurturing students’ intellectual curiosity and preparing them for future academic and professional endeavors.