College Board News

College Board LATAM and Boys & Girls Clubs of Puerto Rico Partner for Student Success

From left to right: Jaimy Fermaintt, Jexyeth Fraguada, Olga Ramos-Carrasquillo, Esq. (President Boys & Girls Clubs Puerto Rico), Shailyn López, Pablo Martínez-Rivera (VP College Board LATAM) and Luis Rivera

From left to right: Jaimy Fermaintt, Jexyeth Fraguada, Olga Ramos-Carrasquillo, Esq. (President Boys & Girls Clubs Puerto Rico), Shailyn López, Pablo Martínez-Rivera (VP College Board LATAM) and Luis Rivera

The College Board Latin America (CB-LATAM) Office is excited to share news of a partnership with Boys & Girls Clubs of Puerto Rico (BGCPR), a strategic alliance poised to enhance the educational landscape for Puerto Rican students. This collaboration brings together two leading organizations in education and youth development in Puerto Rico, unified in their commitment to improve academic outcomes and bridge the gaps faced by students in underserved communities in Puerto Rico.

The partnership was formalized by BGCPR President Olga Ramos and CB-LATAM Vice President Pablo F. Martínez on March 7, 2024. The primary aim of this alliance is to bolster BGCPR's academic programs, focusing on critical areas such as Spanish, mathematics, and English for middle school and high school students. This initiative seeks to identify and reinforce the essential skills students need, while also providing resources to help them explore occupational interests and navigate the myriad possibilities for their future.

Ms. Ramos emphasized the strategic importance of this alliance within BGCPR's vision for 2025. Expressing gratitude for this historic collaboration, BGCPR aims to narrow the learning gap for more than 1,100 students attending its 11 service centers spread across the island, many of whom reside in underserved communities where 9 out of 10 participants live below the federal poverty level.  

From the CB-LATAM's perspective, this alliance embodies the essence of our mission to help students navigate the path from high school to college and career. Mr. Martínez expressed the organization's commitment to changing the invitation by broadening access to our programs and resources, thus enabling students to take ownership of their level of academic readiness and explore the world of career possibilities available to them.

Together, College Board LATAM and Boys & Girls Clubs of Puerto Rico are forging a transformative path, uplifting educational standards, and broadening opportunities across Puerto Rico. This partnership is a beacon of hope, charting a course toward a future where every student has the confidence and ability to dream big and achieve their full potential.