
Letter to Membership on Acquisition of ACT by Nexus Capital Management

Many of you have asked for our perspective on ACT’s announcement today that it has been acquired by Nexus Capital Management, a private equity firm based in Los Angeles. It’s unclear what this purchase will mean for ACT and the students it currently serves. What is clear is that ACT will now operate as a for-profit company. 

At College Board, as a member-led, not-for-profit organization, our mission remains the same. From innovations like the digital SAT and BigFuture to our day-to-day operations, our work is driven by member and educator input and an unwavering focus on students. That will not change.

We have long supported students having options as they prepare for college and career. We have worked with ACT for many years on issues of common concern. We expect that to continue. 

Thank you, as always, for your partnership.

Jeremy Singer
President, College Board